Next Year’s Calendars Are Your Next Branding Opportunity

With the New Year comes the time to focus on our goals over the following 365 days and to consider the opportunities that will come up to achieve them. When do you normally start planning for the New Year? Do you start your plans early to anticipate the upcoming changes, or do you, like most people, put it off until just after Boxing Day and throw together some half-baked New Years’ Resolutions at the last minute?

The New Year represents a massive turning point as we look forward to the amazing things we can expect moving forwards, especially for businesses. Do we give it the time and attention it deserves? Christmas already requires plenty of planning and it would be overwhelming to repeat that the very next week. That’s why we wanted to discuss Calendars now; putting off thinking about our New Year’s plans shows we are likely to underestimate how useful Calendars can be for business.

Hand holding a 2025 Calendar over a desk

On a personal level Calendars are always going to be useful. We have them built into every device with productivity features like our phones and computers, but there’s still a demand for physical Calendars. It’s hard to differentiate between ‘Important Meeting at midday’ and ‘Water the Plants,’ when it’s all marked with a single dot.* Being able to offer Calendars to customers represents a fantastic touch point opportunity that they will keep referencing all year.

Calendars are essential for staying organised; when you offer them to your customers they are incentivised to keep them. Including your branding across each page will keep your name in mind whenever your customers refer to it. More than simply serving as a reminder, you will leave a favourable impression by expressing your commitment to staying organised.

Most forms of advertising rely on short, one-time pushes that promote your services the first time your name appears. This is great, but promotional calendars are special because the promotion they offer lasts for an entire year! Additionally, the monthly page turn resets the artwork, so it’s impossible for your branding to fade into the background.

Calendars are also extremely customisable. Wall Calendars offer plenty of space to include branded images showing off your work. You can get creative by choosing a theme and getting specific. Maybe you could opt to show photos of your products in people’s hands or on-location. QuickPrint once gifted Calendars with a ‘Spot the QP logo’ on each page. We received plenty of feedback from people who loved the idea!

If you’re looking for a more professional style of Calendar, the often-overlooked Desk Calendar is a great addition for offices. They are fantastic; they offer the quickest way to stay organised and are always within arm’s reach. They also express your brand’s personality and add character to workstations.

Highlight important dates in the New Year to your customers. Product launches, company events, charity fundraisers and anything else you can think of. Branded calendars offer a direct line to your customers to get them excited for the year to come.

At QuickPrint we offer a variety of professional and seasonal image galleries, including photos from around the World, around the UK and around Exeter. However, if you’re looking to tailor your Calendars to your brand, you’ll want to select images with a strong theme. The more creative the better. For example, instead of simply showing your products, include your happy customers or show your products on-location.

It’s important to remember your Calendar’s tone because the design of your Calendar will say a lot about your brand. Formal Calendars use lines for each date to fit more details while box dates fit a more casual style. No matter what style you choose, make sure it remains consistent with your brand’s style.

Desk Calendar in front of a white keyboard

If you’re interested if ordering Calendars for your business, it can be a smart idea to invest in bulk orders. The obvious cost savings allow you to provide marketing to a greater number of customers, saving time on repeat purchases. Your offerings are only useful for as long as they remain available, so let your Calendars serve as a daily reminder to your customers to your commitment to organisation. And if you’re reading this before 1st November 2024 you can unlock a special discount on your Calendar orders. Use discount code EARLYBIRD25 for 10% off your next Calendar order here:
